So, this morning we set out again, trying to figure out this trail that the park manager had inked in on a trail map. Vickey's hubby Jon was able to join us this time. He was jealous of our adventure the day before. That, or he didn't trust the two of us to stay out of trouble. And, trouble did find us.
We set off on the quickest trail to get us back to the starting point of "working backwards" to the elusive proposed trail in the back of the park. This took us on a well travelled, popular trail that goes between two small mountains. It was an overcast, cool, kind of creepy morning. On our way, I saw two coyotes run across the trail. Vickey saw them too. then, seconds later, we saw two MORE run across. Out came the cameras, we love getting pictures of these critters. Well, whodathunk, after four coyotes were spotted, a pack of eight more ran across, very close to us. Dakota, who was in front (Santana WAS leading most of the way, but then decided, just before the first coyote sighting, he wanted Dakota to go first.....hmmmm. Wonder why? Send the white horse first!) decided he should turn around and go back away from the coyotes. Vickey was busy playing Ansel Adams, and, lost her balance and came off Dakota. (who was a good boy and stood there looking at her like, "what are you doing down there? There are wild animals here, get on and lets get OUT of here..!" She was fine, it was a slow motion fall. She did end up with cholla on the back of her coat, but fortunately it didn't go through to her skin. I got my leatherman out and pkucked her back. By this time Jon caught up, and he luckily he didn't see her fall, or the comments would have been flying! By the way, Santana didn't react at all to Dakota's reaction and Vickey's fall. This boy is a keeper. We all saddled back up again, the coyotes seemed to be circling us. I did have my Glock on my hip, but, was hoping I wouldn't actually need to use it. Yeegads! The horses moved on down the trail, VERY cautiously. We were after all, still surrounded by at least 12 coyotes. There had to be fresh kill on the ground. Not too far ahead was a hiker and his dog. While we spoke to him, a biker came through as well. We warned both of what was ahead, and we stared back on our mission. Not a couple minutes later, the loudest ruckus I have EVER heard in the desert. The coyotes were all howling and barking and carrying on. I think the hiker and his dog got to them, and the coyotes were threatened by the dog thinking it was gonna get their kill, or, there were two pack of coyotes fighting over the kill. We waited for a few. And, being brave, decided since we didn't hear any screaming, that the hiker, dog, and biker made it through ok. WE kept going. After a mile or so, the horses "calmed" down meaning they weren't looking for predators. They never spooked or anything, they were just walking very cautiously. But then they got out of scent's way. amd we were back on task. The skies cleared and the sun was out. I found the point marked on the map called "The Gap." This used to be my favorite lunch spot, before the parked closed it off. But, we had our Golden Ticket's, and could go where ever we wanted. And I needed this spot to try and see the proposed trail that would take us all the way to the back of the park. I saw what I needed to, and we were off. Sure enough, after a couple of miles in a wash (with more paw prints...) we ended up at the back fence line, and found the gate marked. We saw the house that we went behind yesterday, and, we were right. The only through there would be to cross that ravine (Snowy River) . We were in the right spot yesterday. IT is just impassable right now. Bulldosers could make it accessable, but I doubt the county will want to put that kind of money into it. But thats why we werethere. To ride these proposed areas and report back with our findings. Jon marked several waypoints and coordinates on his GPS, and, we headed back. Our mission was accomplished! We started back, and took a brief lunch break. We ate, then headed the rest of the way back to the trailer. It was a really fun day.
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